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Business debts
When investors are considering an acquisition, understanding the tax implications is a crucial issue. We can prepare a pre-acquisition tax analysis that provides the buyer with a clear understanding of how an acquisition will impact their tax liability after the sale.

Business debts
What constitutes a change in ownership under the Revenue and Taxation Code in California can be a complex and confusing analysis. We have more than 30 years of experience advising clients on ownership issues and helping them to understand how long-term leases,...

Business debts
Are you overpaying your personal property taxes? Are you sure? If your company owns personal property, ensuring that you are paying the correct amount in taxes is essential.Are your returns taking advantage of the correct exemptions? Are you paying a duplicate

Business debts
Avid provides general property tax consulting services to our clients, including annual budgeting, lease reviews, assistance with the completion of Declaration of New Construction forms, BOE 100-B forms,..

Business debts
Would you rather be proactive or reactive? Smart developers understand the impact an over-assessment can have on their bottom line. How you plan for and manage your future assessments can make or break your bottom line.

Business debts
Would you pay a bill that represents one of your largest annual expenses without reading it first? We hope not. Our tax bill administration services help to ensure our clients are paying on the correct assessment every time.

Business debts
The review and appeal of real property values in California is one of the most important “value-add” services we offer to our clients. Effectively managing your assessments is an area where...

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Avid provides experienced, professional, and individualized services with our team of seasoned property tax advocates.

With our property tax knowledge and expertise, you will receive superior communication and solutions aimed to meet and exceed expectations. Avid teams with clients seeking a solution orientated firm to manage and reduce their property tax liability.

Find out how Avid Tax Group can leverage our unparalleled knowledge and superior communication to deliver exceptional results for your organization.